  • Academic Article2024

    L’influence des arrêts Antic, Myers et Zora sur la mise en liberté provisoire : défense des personnes marginalisées et pratiques à géométrie variable

    Published in Revue de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke

    La Cour suprême est récemment intervenue dans les arrêts Antic, Myers et Zora sur des questions entourant la mise en liberté provisoire par voie judiciaire et l’infraction d’omission de se conformer à une promesse ou une ordonnance, communément appelée « bris de condition ». Les avocat.e.s de la défense jouent un rôle important dans l’élaboration des pratiques des tribunaux de juridiction criminelle, surtout auprès des populations marginalisées. Au stade de la mise en liberté provisoire, ils et elles sont en mesure d’avancer des arguments qui tiennent compte des désavantages sociaux et systémiques. Nous proposons une analyse qualitative à partir d’entretiens auprès d’avocat.e.s de la défense pratiquant en pratique privée et à l’aide juridique. À partir de deux études de cas – Montréal (n = 51) et Toronto (n = 51) – nous analysons les perceptions des avocat.e.s par rapport aux impacts des décisions majeures de la Cour suprême sur les pratiques lors de la mise en liberté provisoire, aux conditions de surveillance et à la prise en compte des facteurs sociaux et de la marginalisation à ce stade des procédures judiciaires. Nous concluons que la mise en œuvre du droit à ce stade du processus judiciaire reste à géométrie variable, corollaire de la discrétion octroyée aux juges et au Ministère public. L’application des enseignements de la Cour suprême qui exigent de respecter les droits fondamentaux des personnes prévenues est limitée par les rapports de pouvoir au sein des tribunaux de première instance et la pression exercée par le manque de ressources et le contexte de justice managériale.

    Quirouette, M., Coupienne, M., Batista, C.
  • Conference2024

    Criminalization, Control and Young People's Transition Away from Homelessness

    Presented in 2024 by Nicolas Spallanzani-Sarrasin at the American Society of Criminology Meeting at San Francisco.

    Our presentation reports on data from a project focused on the trajectories of young people experiencing homelessness and housing precarity in 4 Canadian cities (n=80). Following participants for up to two and a half years, we combined quantitative survey and qualitative interviews to better understand how young people experience and navigate transitions towards stability. Here, we focus on conflict with law (criminal, immigration, family, housing) as well as conflict with other authorities, and consider how these experiences intersect with housing-related trajectories. We report on issues and experiences youth related to us about police, courts, and corrections – but also to child/youth protection and case managers or security guards at school or in shelters. Our analysis shows how these experiences can be impactful - and harmful – shaping both self-concept, and chances at accessing success and stability. Our findings highlight the importance of opposing punitive and exclusionary practices, and identifies some promising practices that can support youth.

    Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N.
  • Conference2024

    Drug Treatment Court : Perspectives and Practices of Criminal Defense Lawyers

    Presented in 2024 by Nicolas Spallanzani-Sarrasin at the Law & Society Association meeting in Denver.

    Defence lawyers working in lower criminal courts are increasingly invited to be 'holistic' and to consider a range of options including specialized therapeutic justice programs like drug treatment courts (Van Cleve 2012). While criminal justice system is adjudicative by design, in practice, marginalized accused are often processed under managerial (Resnik 1982; Kohler-Haussmann 2013, 2014) or therapeutic (Wexler & Winnick 1996) models of justice. For the defence, this raises new ethical and practical challenges and questions. Scholars have been critical of specialized courts, showing how they circumvent the principles of presumption of innocence (Hannah-Moffat and Maurutto 2012), imposing onerous conditions and surveillance for participants (Moore and Lyons 2007; Moore 2014), often lacking the resources required to support participants long term (Quirouette et al 2016). What is not known however, is how criminal defence lawyers navigate this setting, advising clients or participating in drug treatment court (DTC) programs. Our paper examines this very question, drawing primarily from qualitative interviews with defence working in private practice and with legal aid, in two Canadian urban centers (n=102). We report on what participants said about their experiences, impressions, and strategies. Based on our thematic analysis, we present 3 key themes (1) when and why DTC can be desirable, (2) when and why DTC is undesirable, and (3) practices outside DTC's borrow from the form and logic. We present these findings and discuss their relevance, raising questions about access to health and social support resources, about interdisciplinary interventions and about the ways in which people are criminalized rather than helped.

    Quirouette, M., Batista, C., Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N., Maier, K.
  • Conference2024

    ‘We’re In the Trenches Here’: Criminal Defense Work with Marginalized Clients in Rural and Northern Canada

    Presented in 2024 by Cecília Batista at the Law & Society Association in Denver.

    Both in the US and in Canada, research has shown how access to justice is especially complicated for marginalized individuals in rural or remote areas. Yet, little is known about how criminal defense lawyers navigate supporting disadvantaged clients outside urban centers. In our study, we draw from 145 in-depth interviews documenting the perspectives and practices of criminal defense lawyers in urban and non-urban regions of eastern Canada. Focusing primarily on 40 participants working in rural and northern courts, we identify three key themes, related to their work representing marginalized clients. First, we report on how participants experience unique challenges related to geographic remoteness, delayed court processes and local resources gaps. Second, we document strategies they use to navigate this environment and help accused secure a better outcome: going above and beyond their formal duties, taking on extreme amounts of travelling and making use of technology. Third, we describe, and analyze, how they talk about working with other legal actors that populate court communities, like prosecutors and judges. We discuss the relevance of our findings in light of recent debates about expanding therapeutic justice, improving access to legal aid supports and community resources, and addressing the over representation of indigenous people in courts and corrections.

    Quirouette, M., Batista, C.