Marianne Quirouette
Lead Researcher
Marianne Quirouette is an Assistant Professor with the school of Criminology at Université de Montréal. She holds a M.A. from Concordia University (2009) and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Toronto (2017) where she was also a junior member at the Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies. She was awarded and held a Banting postdoctoral scholarship in affiliation with the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa (2018). She is a member of the Public Law Research Centre, the Observatoire des Profilages and the Centre International de Criminologie Comparée. Marianne’s research and teaching interests include theories of social control and punishment. Much of her work has focused on social and legal problems as they are experienced and managed in and out of the criminal legal system. This work has centered on criminalized and marginalized people and on professionals in legal, correctional and community settings. Her current projects examine a) the work of criminal defence lawyers and b) the trajectories of young people experiencing homelessness and conflict with law.
The Intersecting Institutions of Criminal Justice and Injustice
Examining long term trajectories in the transition away from youth homelessness in four cities across Canada
Criminal defence lawyers and the representation of marginalized clients in Ontario and Québec
Pandemic Policing of the Homeless in Canada: From Crime Control to Public Health Strategy
Rethinking state responsibility: Developing and assessing participatory strategies and mechanisms to empower marginalized individuals and communities in holding the state responsible in the context of criminal justice
Academic article
- Quirouette, M., Abellan-Almenara, M., & Batista, C. (2025). Collateral Consequences, Disadvantage and Criminal Defence Work . Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 66(3-4) 142–161.
- Quirouette, M., Coupienne, M., & Batista, C. (2024). L’influence des arrêts Antic, Myers et Zora sur la mise en liberté provisoire : défense des personnes marginalisées et pratiques à géométrie variable. Revue de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke, 53(3) 513-553.
- Vacheret, M; Leclerc, C; Quirouette, M. (2024) "Libération conditionnelle : questions de remords, correctionnalisation et conformité" Champ pénal/Penal field, (31).
- Quirouette, M., Batista, C., Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N., & Maier, K. (2024). Drug Treatment Courts According to Criminal Defence Lawyers. CrimRxiv.
- Quirouette, M. (2023). Social Triage and Exclusions in Community Services for the Criminalized. Social Problems, spad035.
- (2024) Quirouette, M. Batista, C. ‘We’re In the Trenches Here’: Criminal Defense Work with Marginalized Clients in Rural and Northern Canada. Law & Society Association Meeting – Denver, USA *Presented by Cecília Batista
- (2024) Quirouette, M. Batista, C. Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N. Maier, K. Drug Treatment Court : Perspectives and Practices of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Law & Society Association Meeting. Denver, USA * Presented by Nicolas Spallanzani-Sarrasin
- (2024) Quirouette, M. Abellan-Almenara, M. Batista, C. (Dis)advantage, Collateral Consequences and the Right to Effective Legal Assistance. Law & Society Association Meeting – Denver, USA *Presented by Meritxell Abellan-Almenara
- (2023) Leclerc, C. Vacheret, M. Velloso, J. Quirouette, M. « Les commissaires de libération conditionnelle : ‘juge’ des faits ou ‘gestionnaire’ des risques ? » Session sur L’intermédiation juridique : du concept aux pratiques, congres ACFAS – Montréal. *Non presenting author
- (2023) Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N. Quirouette, M. “Consideration of homelessness in canadian criminal courts” 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology – Florence, Italie *Presented by Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N.
- Leclerc, C; Boucher-Réhel, M; Quirouette, M; Vacheret, M; Perrin-Plouffe, R « Risk of what? Risk to who? The Realities of Parole Practices » under review | Sous révision
- Quirouette, M. (2022). Book Review: Predict and Surveil: Data, Discretion, and the Future of Policing by Sarah Brayne
- Quirouette, M. (2017). Risks, Needs and Reality Checks: Community Work with Multiply Disadvantaged Justice Involved Individuals (Doctoral dissertation).
- Quirouette, M. (2012). Katherine Beckett and Steve Herbert, Banished: The New Social Control in Urban America.
- Quirouette, M. (2009). Homeless remote reporting: creating a link (Masters dissertation, Concordia University).
Antoine Chopin
Antoine is a master's student in criminology at Université de Montréal under the supervision of Chloé Leclerc. He holds a double bachelor’s degree in law and history. He is interested in issues related to penal populism and penology, particularly the intersections between criminal law and political and media discourses. Antoine's other areas of interest are the alternatives to the criminal justice system and the judicialization of marginalized groups. His master’s thesis project focuses on the experiences of women undergoing judicial proceedings in the community (probation, house arrest) in Quebec. He has also worked with lawyers to defend the rights of people placed in administrative segregation in Canadian federal penitentiaries.
Bintou Diarra
Bintou Diarra is a Master's student in Criminology at Université de Montréal under the supervision of Marianne Quirouette. Bintou Diarra holds a B.Sc. in Criminology with a specialization in Analysis and Research, and is primarily interested in issues arising from the complex dynamics between the legal and juridical worlds, crime and society. She advocates a critical, constructivist theoretical approach. Bintou is also a consultant in intercultural education with the Quebec Ministry of Education. As part of her duties, she monitors and collaborates with various stakeholders on issues related to inclusion, diversity, the integration of young people from immigrant backgrounds and the fight against racism in schools. She is a student member of the Public Law Research Centre, the Observatoire des Profilages and the Centre International de Criminologie Comparée. Her thesis focuses on the judicial recognition of the influence of systemic racism factors on the judicialization experience of Black people in Canada.
Camille Robin
Camille Robin is a master's student in criminology at the Université de Montréal under the supervision of Marianne Quirouette. She holds a bachelor's degree in criminology with a specialization in intervention. During her internship, she worked for a service that aims to support and help incarcerated men who are likely to be homeless upon their release. She is particularly interested in issues surrounding the judicialization of disadvantaged and marginalized people, the political and media discourses on crime, as well as penal abolitionism and other critical perspectives in criminology. Her master's thesis project focuses on the work of defense lawyers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. She is a student member of the Public Law Research Centre, the Observatoire des Profilages and the Centre International de Criminologie Comparée.
Cecília Batista
Cecília holds a Master's in Criminology from the Université de Montréal under the supervision of Marianne Quirouette. She is in the process of becoming a lawyer in Ontario and she is currently an LLM student at Osgoode. She is also licensed as a lawyer in Brazil. Some themes that interest her, though not limited to, include: social control & punishment, incarceration, sentencing, conditional release, state harms, policing. She is especially interested in examining how these areas intersect with the experiences of accused individuals facing marginalization within the criminal justice system. Her thesis delves into the extent to which judges and crown prosecutors in Ontario acknowledge, or conversely overlook, the legal relevance of anti-indigenous discrimination and colonial history. Her work is supported by the Public Law Research Centre at UdeM, the Observatoire des profilages, and by the Centre International de Criminologie Comparée.
The Intersecting Institutions of Criminal Justice and Injustice
Criminal defence lawyers and the representation of marginalized clients in Ontario and Québec
Court officials and the legal relevance of anti-indigenous discrimination, violence & colonial state harms
Academic article
- Quirouette, M., Abellan-Almenara, M., & Batista, C. (2025). Collateral Consequences, Disadvantage and Criminal Defence Work . Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 66(3-4) 142–161.
- Quirouette, M., Coupienne, M., & Batista, C. (2024). L’influence des arrêts Antic, Myers et Zora sur la mise en liberté provisoire : défense des personnes marginalisées et pratiques à géométrie variable. Revue de droit de l'Université de Sherbrooke, 53(3) 513-553.
- Quirouette, M., Batista, C., Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N., & Maier, K. (2024). Drug Treatment Courts According to Criminal Defence Lawyers. CrimRxiv.
- (2024) Quirouette, M. Batista, C. ‘We’re In the Trenches Here’: Criminal Defense Work with Marginalized Clients in Rural and Northern Canada. Law & Society Association Meeting – Denver, USA *Presented by Cecília Batista
- (2024) Quirouette, M. Batista, C. Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N. Maier, K. Drug Treatment Court : Perspectives and Practices of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Law & Society Association Meeting. Denver, USA * Presented by Nicolas Spallanzani-Sarrasin
- (2024) Quirouette, M. Abellan-Almenara, M. Batista, C. (Dis)advantage, Collateral Consequences and the Right to Effective Legal Assistance. Law & Society Association Meeting – Denver, USA *Presented by Meritxell Abellan-Almenara
- (2024) Batista, C. La reconnaissance du passé colonial : la perspective des avocats de la défense criminelle. Dans le cadre des webinaires de l’Observatoire des profilages. En ligne
- (2023) Quirouette, M. Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N. Batista, C. “ Justice for Marginalized Accused: Managerial and Therapeutic Practices in Criminal” 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology – Florence, Italy *Presented by Spallanzani-Sarrasin
Marilyn Coupienne
Marilyn Coupienne is a lawyer and currently a doctoral student in law at the University of Ottawa. She is the recipient of a grant provided by the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC), as well as a scholarship of excellence from the University of Ottawa. The aim of her thesis is to study the social construction of neglect by socio-judicial actors (YPD and Youth Court). More generally, her research interests focus on youth law, criminal law, access to justice and sociocriminology, in particular the social control exerted by the law. Marilyn Coupienne is currently a lawyer at the "Fédération des maisons d'hébergement pour femmes" and teaches law at the Université du Québec à Montréal.
Academic article
- Bernheim, Emmanuelle et Marilyn Coupienne, « Faire valoir ses droits à la Chambre de la jeunesse : état des lieux des barrières structurelles à l’accès à la justice des familles » (2019) 32:2 Rev Can dr fam 237.
- Costanzo, Valérie, Emmanuelle Bernheim et Marilyn Coupienne, « Entre le marteau et l’enclume : préoccupations éthiques et déontologiques des avocates en protection de la jeunesse » (2022) 52 : 2 RGD 223
- Coupienne, M. (2017). L'emprisonnement pour non-paiement d'amendes des personnes en situation d'itinérance est-il un traitement cruel et inusité au sens du pluralisme philosophique en droit pénal canadien?. McGill University (Canada).
- Coupienne, M. (2022). Compte rendu de [Jacques Roy. (2022). Les pères et la DPJ. Un regard sociologique sur l'intervention. Québec, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 112p]. Recherches sociographiques (à paraître).
- Coupienne, Marilyn « Facteurs de marginalisation en protection de la jeunesse : le cas des familles « négligentes » », Webinaire étudiant de l’Observatoire des profilages – Profilages dans le champ de la jeunesse : recherches et perspectives interdiscipl
- (2015) Coupienne, Marilyn, « L’emprisonnement pour non-paiement d’amendes est-il légal ? L’enjeu des infractions de responsabilité absolue pour les personnes en situation d’itinérance », Colloque MinoriséE et droit, Groupe de recherche Perspective sociologique du droit, Département de sociologie de l’Université du Québec à Montréal.
- (2020) Coupienne, Marilyn, « La fragilisation du lien de confiance au sein de l’intervention sociale en protection de la jeunesse : Peut-on blâmer le droit ? » Law Actually : Intimacy and Trust, 13th Annual McGill Graduate Law Conference.
- (2021) Coupienne, Marilyn, « L’apport du réalisme juridique à la recherche interdisciplinaire en droit : l’exemple d’une thèse sociojudirique portant sur la construction sociale du droit », dans Mathieu Devinat, Mélanie Samson et Georges Azzaria, dirs, Les écoles de pensée en droit / Legal Schools of Thought, Éditions RDUS
- (2022) Coupienne, Marilyn et David Gaudreault, « La pertinence et l'incidence de l’archive institutionnelle pour la recherche sur les personnes vulnérables », Séminaire de méthodologie des étudiant.e.s de l’Observatoire des profilages.
- (2022) Coupienne, Marilyn, « La prise en charge des familles « négligentes » à la Chambre de la jeunesse. De la pauvreté au profilage social », Colloque 406 – Des réponses judiciaires à des profilages, ACFAS, Université Laval.
- Bernheim, Emmanuelle, Marilyn Coupienne et Delphine Gauthier-Boiteau, « La santé mentale comme système d’oppression : l'expérience des mères à l’intersection de la psychiatrie, la protection de la jeunesse et la justice » dans Simon Lapierre et Alexandra
- Coupienne, Marilyn, « L’apport du réalisme juridique à la recherche interdisciplinaire en droit : l’exemple d’une thèse sociojudirique portant sur la construction sociale du droit », dans Mathieu Devinat, Mélanie Samson et Georges Azzaria, dirs, Les école
Maude Boucher-Réhel
Maude Boucher-Réhel is a doctoral candidate at Université de Montréal, under the supervision of Chloé Leclerc, and holds a master's degree in criminology (M.Sc.) and a bachelor's degree in law (LL.B.). Maude is interested in issues at the intersection of criminal law, the prison system, rehabilitation and women. Her dissertation aims to understand how women who have been in and out of prison manage to break the cycle of the revolving door. Her other areas of interest include specialized courts, mental health and the treatment of marginalized people in the criminal justice system. Her thesis focused on the impact of therapeutic justice principles in Quebec mental health courts.
- Boucher-Réhel, M. (2023). Étude de l’interaction entre les principes de la justice thérapeutique et l’achèvement des Programmes d’accompagnement justice et santé mentale du Québec. Conférences-midi de l’Institut national de psychiatrie légale Philippe-Pinel, [En ligne].
- Boucher-Réhel, M. (2024). Étude de l’interaction entre les principes de la justice thérapeutique et l’achèvement des Programmes d’accompagnement justice et santé mentale du Québec. 91e congrès de l'ACFAS, Ottawa, Canada.
- Boucher-Réhel, M. (2024). Mental Health Courts and the treatment of participants with substance use disorders. 17th International Society for the Study of Drug Policy, Montréal, Canada.
Meritxell Abellan Almenara
Meritxell is a PhD candidate at Université de Montréal, under the supervision of professors Chloé Leclerc and Karine Côté-Boucher. Meritxell is interested in the intersections between criminal law, sentencing and immigration control. Her thesis focuses on the role criminal inadmissibility plays in the sentencing process of criminalized non-citizens in Canada. Meritxell’s other research interests include penology and penal law, imprisonment and human rights. Meritxell also has several years of experience working as a criminal defence lawyer and in the non-profit world.
Academic article
- Quirouette, M., Abellan-Almenara, M., & Batista, C. (2025). Collateral Consequences, Disadvantage and Criminal Defence Work . Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 66(3-4) 142–161.
- Abellan Almenara, M. (2023). Alexa, je me sens très seul.e » : avantages et risques de l’installation de compagnons virtuels dans les cellules d’isolement. Le Beccaria- revue de l’Ordre professionnel des Criminologues du Québec, 7.
- Abellan Almenara, M. et Van Zyl Smit, D. (2015). Human Dignity and Life Imprisonment : the Pope enters the debate. Human Rights Law Review, 15(2).
- (2024) Quirouette, M. Abellan-Almenara, M. Batista, C. (Dis)advantage, Collateral Consequences and the Right to Effective Legal Assistance. Law & Society Association Meeting – Denver, USA *Presented by Meritxell Abellan-Almenara
- (2023) Abellan Almenara, M. Criminal inadmissibility in Canada: a caselaw review . European Society of Criminology. Florence, Italy
- (2023) Abellan Almenara, M. Le droit pénal de l’ennemi appliqué au modèle de crimmigration danois. Justice, prison et continuum carcéral : 4e conférence biennale de l’Université de Sherbrooke.
- (2023) Abellan Almenara, M. Virage virtuel : Les nouvelles pratiques de la justice. Congrès de la Société de Criminologie du Québec.
- Abellan Almenara, M. ‘Fermer la porte aux indésirables’ : étude des conceptions des rôles des juges québécois à la lumière de l’article 36 LIPR.
- Abellan Almenara, M. (2023). La prison intelligente : Avantages et risques de sa mise en oeuvre [Research report mandated by the ministère de la Sécurité publique].
- Abellan Almenara, M. The noncitizens v. Denmark : foreign prisoners and the criminal law of the enemy - Under review | Sous révision
- Abellan Almenara, M. (2022). La prison intelligente : Recensement des initiatives d’intégration des nouvelles technologies et des outils numériques en prison [Research report mandated by the ministère de la Sécurité publique].
Nicolas Spallanzani-Sarrasin
Nicolas Spallanzani-Sarrasin is a PhD candidate in criminology at the Université de Montréal under the supervision of Marianne Quirouette. His research interests include the judicialization of disadvantaged or marginalized people, social profiling, access to justice and the practice of socio-judicial actors. His masters thesis explores the judicial experience of people who are precariously housed or without housing. His doctoral dissertation analyses the influence of the context of homelessness and social determinants in legal decisions. His work is supported by the Observatoire des Profilages. He is also a student member of the Public Law Research Centre and the Centre International de Criminologie Comparée.
Criminal defence lawyers and the representation of marginalized clients in Ontario and Québec
Examining long term trajectories in the transition away from youth homelessness in four cities across Canada
La représentation juridique des personnes en situation d’itinérance par les avocat.e.s de la défense criminelle et pénale.
Pandemic Policing of the Homeless in Canada: From Crime Control to Public Health Strategy
Academic article
- Quirouette, M., Batista, C., Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N., & Maier, K. (2024). Drug Treatment Courts According to Criminal Defence Lawyers. CrimRxiv.
- Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N & M Quirouette « la représentation des personnes en situation d’itinérance : perspectives et pratiques des avocat.e.s de la défense criminelle », Criminologie, 57(1), 161-186.
- Quirouette 1 2, M., Beaulieu, K., & Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N. (2022). Gestion punitive de l’itinérance durant la pandémie: Défis et stratégies des intervenant· e· s de première ligne à Montréal. Criminologie, 55(2), 93-120.
- (2024) Quirouette, M. Batista, C. Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N. Maier, K. Drug Treatment Court : Perspectives and Practices of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Law & Society Association Meeting. Denver, USA * Presented by Nicolas Spallanzani-Sarrasin
- (2023) Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N. Point de vue des intervenants sociaux et de personnes marginalisées sur la judiciarisation de la pandémie. Dans le cadre de la 25e Journée annuelle de santé publique du Québec, Montréal.
- (2023) Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N. The legal representation of people experiencing homelessness by criminal defense lawyers. Dans le cadre de la 1ère conférence de l’international journal on homelessness. DePaul University of Chicago
- (2023) Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N. Quirouette, M. “Consideration of homelessness in canadian criminal courts” 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology – Florence, Italie *Presented by Spallanzani-Sarrasin, N.
Ré Poulin Ladouceur
Ré Poulin Ladouceur is a lawyer at Desmarais Desvignes & collaboratrices. They hold a certificate in criminology from the Université de Montréal, where they also got their Law degree. They worked for the Chaire de recherche on Transgender Children and their Families (Université de Montréal) and for the School of Social Work at the University of Ottawa before joining the Social In(Justice) and Punishment Lab. They are interested in social control, access to justice and alternative justice. Representing tenants and psychiatric patients, they work to make the law a tool for social change for marginalized groups.